1. Only we had four classes this morning.
只有我们今天上午有四节课。(强调主语 别人没有)
2. We only had four classes this morning.
我们今天上午只有四节课。 (强调谓语 没有别的事)
3. We had only four classes this morning.
我们今天上午仅四节课。 (强调宾语 没有更多的课)
4. We had four classes only this morning.
我们仅今天上午有四节课。 (强调时间状语 其它上午没有)
He hurried home, only to find the door locked. 他急忙赶到家,结果却发现门锁着。
Only then did he know that he was wrong. 只有那时他才知道他错了。
Only in this way can we learn English well. 只有这样我们才能学好英语。
Only when she came come did he know the news. 只有当她回家时他才知道这消息。
Only if he tried hard would he do it better. 只有努力他才会做得更好。
He only eats vegetables.=He 'eats vegetables only. 他只吃蔬菜。
I want only six apples.=I only want 'six apples.=I want 'six apples only. 我只要六个苹果。
It’s made only from fresh fruit.= It’s only made 'from fresh fruit.=It’s made 'from fresh fruit only.它是用纯新鲜水果制成的。
I met her only yesterday.= I only met her 'yesterday.=I met her 'yesterday only. 我昨天才见到她。
Ladies only! 女士专用!(布告用语)
Standing room only! 只有站票!(戏院或车站售票处用语)
For members only! 仅接待会员!

only 用作副词,表示“仅仅”“只有”,通常应放在它所修饰的词语之前。如果所修饰的词位于句末,则也可将其放在被修饰词语之后。比较以下句由于 only 位置不同所导致的含义上的变化:

Only I kissed her last night. 昨晚只有我吻了她(即别人没吻她)。

I only kissed her last night. 昨晚只是吻了她(即没干别的事)。

I kissed only her last night. 昨晚我吻的只有她(即没吻过别人)。

I kissed her only last night [last night only]. 我只是在昨晚才吻了她(即其他时候未吻过她)。


only 短语置于句首必须倒装吗



Only in this way can we learn English. 只有这样才能学会英语。

Only then did I understand what she meant. 只有到那时我才明白她的意思。

Only when he is selfless can a man be fearless. 只有无私,才能无畏。

Only if a teacher has given permission is a student allowed to enter this room. 只有得到教师的允许,学生才可以进这间屋。


Only those who had booked in advance were allowed in. 只有那些预先订票的人可以进去。

Only part of his story is true. 他说的事只有部分是真的。

Only his sister he saw there. 他在那儿只看到他妹妹。


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